Bujinkan KyôShin Dojo.
武神館 鏡心道場
Much more than your average
martial arts club!
The Bujinkan Dojo.
Based in Noda City, Japan, the Bujinkan is the dojo of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, linear Grandmaster of 9 living warrior traditions, or "Ryu", some dating back to the 11th century and beyond.
These systems of combat have survived the centuries, as they have proven effective ways of surviving conflict in boith war and peace time- and have always adapted to the times. They remain just as relevent now in the 21st century as they were a thousand years ago. The focus is defensive; on avoidance of danger, but dealing with confrontation swiftly and efficiently. This is not an art diluted by sports, but a true set of practical battlefield and civilian protection methods for self and others. We practice both the historical forms and modern applications, in unarmed and armed methods.
There is much more to our training than this, as we strive to develop a healthy body, calm mind, and strong spirit which can cope with whatever life throws at us. Budo / Ninpo is much more than fighting, it is a way of living powerfully and in harmony with nature, and seeing life and obstacles as a challenge. It is a way of improving ourselves and surviving life's challenges with grace and ease.
This is one of the very few remaining Samurai martial arts which have a continuous transmission and development back to the 10th century,( athough the roots go back to medieval China and along the Silk Road to India), right up to the present day and relevence to today's martial and survival issues. Developing the whole person in body, mind and spirit, working in harmony with our community and environment, learning to care for our bodies and make wise choices for our health and wellbeing are part and parcel of Budo- self defence in it's widest possible aspect.
Hatsumi Soke retired from teaching in 2020 and has passed the 9 schools to his senior students, while remaining overall Bujinkan Soke.
The Bujinkan remains a thriving international community of martial artists brought together by a common love of Budo Taijutsu and the Samurai arts. Membershoip allows you to train not just in our dojo here in Morley but in cluibs around the country and across the globe.
Pictures; Honbu dojo in Noda City, Japan.
Hatsumi Sensei demonstrating battlefiled medicine methods and armoured combat methods.during a training trip to Honbu. Hatsumi sensei explaining some Budo philosophy,
Daishihan Andrew Young demonstrating structure breaking, escapes, strikes and restraints at a local seminar.
Training with Daishihan Kevin Millis in Germany.
Bujinkan Kyoshin Dojo.
We are a small, freindly dojo practicing Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, based in Morley, near Leeds, UK as part of the Bujinkan Dojo.
The club Dojo-Cho (training hall leader) is Jenn Fletcher, Shidoshi (Master teacher). Sensei (Teacher) Jenn has been training in both European and Eastern martial arts since 1986 including Jujutsu, Kobujutsu, Tai Chi, Meditation, Yoga, fencing, archery, and European medieval battle reenactment. She has trained with many master instructors in Japan, North America and Europe and passed the famous Bujinkan 5th dan test in 2018 in Honbu Dojo, Nodashi, Japan.
The foundation of all training at Kyoshin Dojo focusses on self defence. We look at this concept in it's widest sense- from fending off attackers to making our body, mind and emotions best prepared to diffuse, escape or control assaults on our person. Mental and strategic preparedness is as important, if not more, important than combat skills, as is knowing what is appropriate or legal for individual situations. The aim is always to escape, diffuse, control or subdue with minimum force necessary.
We use ju-taijutsu (empty hand combat methods similar to jujutsu and aikido) and kobujutsu (ancient weapons skills), as well as gendai bujutsu (modern weapons skills). The focus is on combat and life skills and overcoming your own weaknesses, rather than rank. The aim is Self Defence (Goshinjutsu) in a much wider sense than is usually coverd under that term. So as well as protecting ourselves and other from physical violence we strategise and train to be able to spot and evade, plus handle verbal conflict, social conflict, physical violence, a disaster or just life- with calm and balance. We are not a quick belt system, and ranks are a recognition of the indivudual's journey, and based on much more depth than a tick list of combat skills.
We are an ancient tradition with a vast array of knowledge to learn. Grades are tailored to the individual's journey in Budo rather than being "one size fits all".
Kyoshin members are mainly hobbyists and while we take training seriously, we take ourselves less seriously and have a lot of fun training and growing together.
Come and join us, have a go, and find out what we have to offer!
Pictures; Training with Daishihan Andrew Young at various seminars. Sword (boken), pocket rope (nawa) and improvised tools
Social distancing training with Spear (yari) in the park.
Aspects of Women's self defence, "Onna no goshinjutsu... or methods where a smaller person can overcome a larger agressor. These include some often surpising methods and use of everyday items as pick up tools.
Kobujutsu; we learn both traditional, modern and "pick up" weapons skills. here; 6 foot staff or "Rokushakubo".
"In Budo, there are three important essentials.
Firstly, seeing one's Self, one's own strengths and limitations.
Secondly, the sword of discrimination, of decisiveness, for eliminating faults, weaknesses and the unnecessary.
And last, the sincerity, feeling, devotion, insight and understanding of the heart".
Soke Hatsumi.
What is Taijutsu?
Taijutsu literally means "body science". Taijutsu is a hands on combat art and involves giving and receiving strikes, locks, throws, and weapons use. We study anatomy and physiology, which naturally leads to healing and life sustaining aspects.
Budo training will challenge you mentally, socially and emotionally- but in a fun and enjoyable way. If you are not ready to sweat, cry, grow, fall down, get up, laugh, adapt, overcome and change to become a more amazing person, it's not for you!
Beginners start off relatively gently and training increases in challenge level appropriate to your body and fitness as you progress.
The more you put into this art, the more it gives back; although you can just come to class once a week, (totally fine!) ~ if you want to get the most from this art, then 90% of training is done in your own time. This includes daily stretching, meditation, nutrition, reading and study. It's a simple but powerful integrated lifestyle approach which has been practiced for hundreds of years.
We aim to be happier, healthier and better protected and have the confidence and courage to love and live life in a harmonious manner.
Training includes;
Testamonials from past and present students;
"This school has been a gateway towards a stronger, healthier, more flexible and natural way of living. Effective combat and life skills, positive environment, and regular asesment of training progress". ~ Steve B.
"I have been training with Jenn Sensei in some capacity for over half of my life. What she has taught me goes way beyond just self defence. You learn to think and move in ways you didn't know were possible and these skills will transfer into your everyday life often without you even realising, becoming the warrior you want to be in a relaxed and egoless manner.
There's also tea". ~ Rob B.
"Sensei Jenn is one of the top martial arts teachers I've ever trained with in all of my Budo journey. She teaches you how to change your perspective on life and, simply put, become a more efective and whole human being through the study of taijutsu". ~ Adam W.
Kyôshin Dojo Training Gallery;
Below; the Japanese kanji for "Bujinakn Budo Taijtusu"- whilst class is taught mainly in English, you will learn Japanese words, terms, and phrases as part of your training.
Training times and location;
Currently; Tuesdays 1pm, Thursdays 7pm.
All classes are £10, or "pay as you feel" for 2 hours in a small (max 6) class. Everyone gets individual attention. Cost need not be a problem, if you are unemployed, low wage, a student etc; please talk to me and we can work something out.
If students want to train at other times convenient to their schedules and Sensei is available to let them in, flexible training times can be arranged. Many of our members work shifts so we try to accomodate this.
Location is a private address in Morley just off Middleton Road, LS27. For security, we only give out the dojo's exact location when inviting students for their trial sesson.
Please get in touch to discuss what you are looking for, and how we can help you get started.
Students must be 18+ to join Kyoshin Dojo. If you are interested in Kids classes, please enquire to be re-directed to a dojo which teaches under 18's near you.
If this sounds like fun to you, and for enquieries and more information, please drop me a message via our Facebook page messenger. I'll be happy to answer questions and get your started on your Budo journey. ~ Jenn.
CONTACT US HERE: https://www.facebook.com/MorleyNinjutsuClub
Please, no spam or sales, thank you.
Dispelling myths - Budo and Ninpo - Samurai and Ninja - separating fact from fiction...
I'm sure most people have an image of Samurai being heavily armed and armoured, upright, noble warriors, and Ninja being sneaky asassins up to espionage and asassination. Really, that's very much an idea created by Japanese traditional theatre, modern movies and manga- not what the reality was like at all.... in real life they were just ordinary people like you and me, or high or low rank, trying to survive and keep going in difficult and dangerous times. What we study is the accumulation of skills in both combat and life which allowerd them to stay safe, sane, happy and healthy under one of the most constraining and brutal societies whcih the world has known. We continue their tradition by training in their living legacy of surviving and thriving despite the often overwhelming challenges of the world....
Our heritage begins in the 11th century, when a mid ranking Samurai, Daisuke Nishina, found himself on the losing side of one of the many wars of that era. Rather than commit "seppuku" (ritual suicide) he took his family and hid in the hills of Iga, becoming an outlaw. What he learned in trying to survive against enemies who tried to hunt and persecute him became the basis for one of the 9 schools of martial skills and strategy which we study; Togakure Ryu Ninpo. This tradition encompasses everything from fighting and escaping an enemy who is better armed, fed and armoured, surviving and hiding from that enemy, protecting 3rd parties, and significantly the meditation, yogic and kokyuho (qigong) methods to keep mental sanity and courage in dark and dangerous times. These skills transfer easily to living in modern times. The chaos of balancing work, family and a healthy lifestyle can be as daunting as the conflicts of the Warring States era, but our Ninpo principles and methods can help you maintain a calm and balanced outlook and help you manage the stress of a hectic lifestyle.
Another School you will study with us is Takagi Yoshin Ryu, the school taught to the Tokugawa Shogunate's bodyguards in the 17th century- and another continuously taught school. This fascinating school is the origin of many modern Jujutsu schools and covers everything from defending against, locking, weakening, disarming and restraining an attacker to 3rd party protection and unconventional tools such as rope and jutte (baton or sword breaker).
We also cover the health and wellbeing methods of the Amatsu Tatara, a tradition handed down through the Kuki Clan. This unique school covers health, medicine, diet, mental focus exercises, and physical self correction methods which were invaluable to the warriors of the medieval era both to develop superior health and also to heal any injuries which they might acquire while training or on capaign. Classes often include self balance methods and simple partner work to ease sore muscles and straighten the body after a training session - from the shoden (first transmission) of this school.
Additionally, we cover;
Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu- a school founded in the 12th century by a tiny Chinese nun who had escaped the wars of the Song dynasty and fled to Japan. The origins of this school are very evident in it's Bagua style footwork and use of superior body mechanics and exploiting body weaknesses to overcome an agressor, rather than muscle. This school is the foundation for much of our self defence and "onna no goshinjutsu" women's self defence methods.
Shinden Fudo Ryu which specialises in nerve and pressure point strikes as well as grappling and throwing. The "ura waza" or hidden teachings, is using pressure points for acupressure to releive common ailments such as headaches, relieve pain or settle anxiety.
Kukishinden Ryu (a school of armed and armoured medieval battlefiled skills including; Taijutsu (unarmed body science) Bojutsu (6 foot staff), Kempo (chinese derived empty hand combat, Hanbojutsu (3 foot staff and walking stick) Sojutsu (spear) Naginatajutsu (halbard) ),
Koto Ryu Koppojutsu, (similar to Gyokko Ryu)
Gikan Ryu Koppo jutsu, (a hybrid school, not often taught)
Gyokoshin Ryu Ninpo, (another ninjutsu school focussing on espionage)
Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo, (specialises in hiding and escape plus the hook spear)
and Onna no Goshinjutsu (ancient and modern women's self protection methods).
All in all, there are methods, styles and tools to suit everyone from military and law enforcement professionals, to ordinary civilians from all walks of life. Kyoshin Dojo has over the years included; chefs, engineers, care workers, mechanics, technicians, a bus driver, students, musicians, dancers, a tailor, housewives, school teachers, and many other professions. What is exceptional about our training is that the skillsets still work whe you are tired, weak, or injured, and many practitioners keep training into their senior years- we have many active and fit silver haired practitioners in the ranks of the Bujinkan, as the healthy lifestyle and "soft" martial arts (vs hard styles such as Karate, Krav Maga, BJJ or MMA) extends our physical and mental health, longevity and martial effectiveness significantly.
I hope this has piqued your interest in training with us; if you have any questions, please do get in touch at the link above to arrange a no obligation chat and try-out at the dojo.
More than just combat; Nutrition, cookery and how to make your own delicious healthy meals! Japanese integrated medicine to balance and restore the body and recover from injury. Japanese art, culture, tradition and history. And so much more...
Video links;
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSAMBsAtVLg
Copyright, Jenn Fletcher, 2025©